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The applicant seeks a Certificate of Compliance to establish and operate an LED digital billboard sign as a permitted activity.
- Location - 15th Ave
- Council - Tauranga City
- Number - 921/2023
The applicant seeks a Certificate of Compliance to establish and operate an LED digital billboard sign as a permitted activity.

In this change application, the Consent Holder proposes to establish and operate 200m2 of Ancillary Retail Activity within Unit 5.
- Location - Nawton
- Council - Hamilton City
- Number - 915/2023
In this change application, the Consent Holder proposes to establish and operate 200m2 of Ancillary Retail Activity within Unit 5.

The conversion of garage space within an apartment building to form extended living accommodation as part of Unit 3
- Location - Hamilton East
- Council - Hamilton City
- Number - 903/2023
The conversion of garage space within an apartment building to form extended living accommodation as part of Unit 3