Resource Consent Application & Management Consultants NZ


Resource Consent Applications

Identifying what criteria will apply to assessing your proposal

Once Gulab has identified the type of resource consent you require, he will need to identify what criteria will be used to assess your application:

  • If your application is for a controlled or restricted discretionary activity, the plan will state the matters over which the council has reserved its control or discretion. There may also be matters over which control or discretion is reserved in national environmental standards. Gulab will need to check if there are any national environmental standards which may be relevant to the activity.  Only need to address relevant matters identified in the plan or in national environmental standards in your application and assessment of effects.

  • If your application is for a discretionary activity, the council will assess your proposal against the relevant objectives and policies of the plan. This will be a much broader inquiry and Gulab will need to address all the potential environmental effects of your proposal.

  • If your application is for a non-complying activity, consent can only be granted if it can demonstrate that the effects are no more than minor or that the proposal is not contrary to the objectives and policies of the relevant plan. This is a much tougher test to meet and will require Gulab to undertake a more rigorous assessment of the effects of your proposal.

Resource Consent Approvals

Most significant projects will require some form of resource consent. This may involve land use consents, subdivision consents. Gulab specialises in developing projects that are appropriate to their environment and ensuring that they successfully achieve required consents with acceptable conditions.

The Resource Management Act 1991 requires that certain information is provided with resource consent applications or submissions to proposed plan changes. Each local authority in its District or Regional Plan will have policies and rules which need to be considered in your application or submissions.

An application often requires appropriate consultation and an assessment of effects. It is much more likely to be successful and will take less time going through Council procedures if it is well prepared.

General Inquiry

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