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Change of Condition: Ancillary Retail

Having regard to section 104(1)(a) of the Act, the actual and potential adverse effects on the environment of granting consent to the proposed change to Unit 5 are acceptable as the proposal is consistent with the relevant assessment criteria and promotes the sustainable management of natural and physical resources.

The partial conversion of warehouse floor area to Unit 5 to accommodate Ancillary Retailing activity is comparable with other existing land uses in Units 1, 2, 3, 4 and the immediate area, and as such, it will not detract from the built character and amenity of the area.

Given the scale and magnitude of the proposed Ancillary Retailing activity will have no propensity to generate significant adverse retail distributional effects and that the commercial centres network, its form, function, performance, amenity and vitality cannot be jeopardised or undermined in capacity as a result of the proposed change.

As a result of well established and the on-going operation of several smaller retail tenancies, in Units 1 to 4, the proposed change involving the additional ancillary retailing floor area is not expected to generate unanticipated effects as there will only be a marginal net increase in Gross Leasable Floor Area. Therefore the proposed change will not undermine the ability of other future planned centres in the wider Nawton area to be developed at a rate and scale commensurate with their envisaged role, function and timing.