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More Houses in Peacocke Area

More Houses in Peacocke Area
20 Mar 2017

Hamilton City Council has found a way to accommodate 160 more houses into the first stage of Peacocke’s development.


The first stage of developing Hamilton’s southernmost growth cell, Peacocke stage 1a, was initially able to accommodate 500 dwellings but can now be extended by 160. All 500 initial dwellings have received planning consent with 300 already built including one new rest home.

Hamilton City Council Planning Consents Team Leader Fraser McNutt says working with the NZ Transport Agency allowed them to find a solution.

“By working with the Transport Agency, we were able to see it was possible to accommodate more housing in the first stage without the Council needing to invest in further infrastructure,” says Mr McNutt.

“We proactively found a solution for the community and developers in the area so they can start the development process now.”

NZ Transport Agency Director Regional Relationships, Parekawhia McLean says the Transport Agency has worked in partnership with the Council to plan and develop the Peacocke Structure Plan over the last 10 years.

“This partnership enables the city to provide for its economic growth, housing and transport infrastructure. We are confident the additional housing can be safely accommodated on the existing transport network, and this decision provides greater certainty for the Council and the development community. We will continue to work with the Council through its Access Hamilton Strategy to ensure that transport infrastructure provides for the growth and development of the city,” says Ms McLean.

Mr McNutt says this is just one way the Council are enabling housing growth throughout the city.

The Council is currently working on a proposal for the Government’s Housing Infrastructure Fund which includes key roads, water, waste water and storm water services in Peacocke and Rotokauri growth areas.

The first stage of Peacocke has an additional area near Ohaupo Rd (stage 1b) which has the potential to be available for housing in quick succession following investment from the Government.

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