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New parking for the Church

Additional parking for the Church

The proposal is to expand the carpark area onto next lot, immediately behind the existing church site , increasing the number of off-street carparks from 43 to 64.


The building floor area is reduced, with a total GFA from 1324.86 m2 to 1,262.73m2.

The existing carpark is supplemented by on-street carparking on the main road. The proposed additional carparking will reduce the number of vehicles parking on the main road for the usual day-to-day activities. There are no planned change in activities for the church.


The site currently has 43 on-site parking spaces. Parking demand is not expected to increase and the layout plan provided demonstrates good access and circulation for the proposed carpark layout with 64 spaces.

The site is accessed via vehicle crossings on the main road (front carpark) and the side road (rear carpark). There is a one-way circulation for the front carpark (two one-way vehicle crossings approximately 7.5m apart) and a single lane drive connecting the front carpark to the rear carpark which has a two-way vehicle crossing.